Easter cakes – Fitatu®’s fit recipes

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Easter cakes – Fitatu®’s fit recipes

easter cakes fitatu

Easter is fast approaching. If you’re still looking for ideas for your festive table, get inspired by the recipes you’ll find in Fitatu®. Discover our suggestions for Easter cakes and desserts for the festive table in a fit, high-protein, and keto version.

Diet and sweets

When you’re in the process of losing weight, Easter and other celebrations can be challenging. On the tables, you’ll find many dishes that are high in calories or have added sugar. It’s not easy to resist such temptations as Easter cakes, so it’s best to keep a healthy sense of reason. A piece of cheesecake or a sponge cake can certainly find its way onto your plate, but you don’t need to eat half the tray of a tasty bake at once. After a sweet dessert, it’s a good idea to suggest a walk to your loved ones – light activity will improve digestion and additionally help burn a few dozen calories.

Easter cakes from the Fitatu® App

If you’re looking for healthier versions of traditional Easter bakes, Fitatu is here to help.


Cheesecake is one of the most popular Easter cakes worldwide. This cake, primarily made of cottage cheese, can thus be quite an unexpected source of protein. If it’s also prepared with less sugar, it’s a very nice sweet snack not just for the holidays. We present inspirations for both fans of cold cheesecake and the traditional version.


What if Easter cakes according to grandma’s recipe are a must-have in your home, and you can’t push through a fit version? Opt for additional, smaller sweets. Cupcakes can be an alternative to traditional sponge cake. The versatility of this bake allows for combining different flavours. Muffins can be filled with chocolate, fruits, or peanut butter, and even cottage cheese. In this article, we will propose two versions of cupcakes.

Low-carb sweets

In the Fitatu® app, you’ll also find dessert suggestions for those reducing carbohydrates. Discover our recipes for low-carb cake and keto cookies. Perhaps these suggestions will make their way to your Easter table?

Fitatu® Support Group

Reaching your goal is easier with the support of others! Join our Fitatu Facebook group and achieve your goals together with other Fitatu® app users. With the group members, you can share your results every day and motivate each other to keep going.

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Fitatu® App

Not yet familiar with Fitatu®? Download the app from the Play Store or Apple Store and start taking charge of your health with us! Do you want to have access to all the features? Go for Fitatu® Premium! For blog readers, we have a special discount code: EASTER-3Z. Go to https://www.fitatu.com/app/order-and-payment and claim a 20% discount on Fitatu® Premium annual plans. The code combines with other promotions. 

What else can you find in Fitatu® Premium?

  • Over 2,000 recipes plus dozens of new ones every month,
  • additional intermittent fasting plans,
  • possibility to create shopping lists, 
  • 6 pre-prepared meal menus,  
  • filtering of products and recipes, 
  • more synchronization with fitness apps, 
  • access to the app in the web version,
  • no adverts!

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