How does the “Menu Selection” feature work in the Fitatu® app?

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How does the “Menu Selection” feature work in the Fitatu® app?

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Want to change your eating habits and take care of your health? The Fitatu® app is here to help! Get to know the Menu Selection feature of Fitatu® Premium and enjoy a healthy diet on your own terms.

Many people trying to achieve their dream figure decide to go on a diet. They visit a nutritionist, who, after an interview, prepares a meal plan. And of course, there is nothing wrong with that. Indeed! There is certainly a group of people who will thrive in this system. Knowing what they will eat for the next month gives them a sense of control and calm. As a result, this brings them closer to achieving their goal. However, this is not an effective solution for everyone. There is a large group of people who do not like rigid plans. They enjoy the ability to make independent and spontaneous choices. The Menu Selection function of Fitatu® Premium is a response to the need for a flexible approach to diet, in which you decide what you feel like eating.

How the Menu Selection function works

Menu Selection in Fitatu® is one of many Fitatu® Premium features. There are 6 types to choose from: Balance, Gluten-Free, Keto, Less Sugar, Veggie, and High Protein. How does the use of a specific menu work? After choosing the corresponding plan, a link will appear in the meal plan view, which takes you to the recipe catalog. The dishes suggested by the app are tailored to your needs, but you decide which dish and how many calories you want to choose.

Benefits of using the Fitatu® Premium Menu feature


If you adapt your diet to your needs, rather than adapting yourself to a diet, healthy eating will naturally become a part of your life. Using the Menu, you choose what you feel like eating. Additionally, you decide which meal of the day will provide the most calories. You also have the ability to edit a dish by removing a disliked product.

Meals from around the world

In the Menu, you will find not only diet recipes but also recipes for popular dishes from around the world. Who said that spaghetti carbonara, pizza, or Mexican fajitas can’t be part of your diet? Open yourself to flavors from different parts of the world and enjoy restaurant food every day.

Precisely calculated macros and calories

Each recipe has precisely calculated macros (proteins, fats, and carbohydrates) and calories. Any change, such as removing an unwanted product, results in readjusting the nutritional value of the dish.

Possibility to add your own dishes

Fitatu offers the possibility to add your own dishes. Thanks to this solution, you can supplement the recipe database with your own favorite recipes and also introduce them into the meal plan.

What the Fitatu® app’s Menu Selection is not?

Fitatu® Menu is not a ready-made diet with exactly matched calories and macros. Meal suggestions per meal have a buffer of +/- 100 kcal and you choose dishes to balance your diet well. What does this mean exactly? We’ll show you by example. If your requirement is 2000 kcal, your breakfast should be about 500 kcal (about 25% of your requirement). In such a situation in Fitatu® you will get a proposal for dishes with a calorie content from 400 kcal to 600 kcal. Why? Although the recommendations indicate what percentage of the requirement should be a specific meal, we know that each body is different. Just because one person likes to eat big breakfasts doesn’t mean another has to like the same. Thanks to a wider range of caloric meals, you are able to adapt your diet to your own needs.

In addition, by launching the Menu Selection service, your requirements and macronutrients will not change automatically. If you decide on a high-protein keto menu, you need to adjust the demand for protein, fats, and carbohydrates yourself.

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Types of Menus in the Fitatu® app


Contains proposals for healthy meals rich in nutrients. The meals are suitable for people on a flexitarian diet, in which no products are eliminated. Discover meal proposals in the Balance Menu in the article “Flexitarian diet – dishes to prepare in 10 min“.


Basic products containing gluten are eliminated from the meals. Therefore, this menu is a good solution for people with gluten intolerance or allergy, but also for those suffering from autoimmune diseases.


Almost completely giving up carbohydrates while still eating delicious meals is not that easy. By choosing the Keto Menu, you gain access to many varied ketogenic recipes, which are still growing. You can read more about the keto diet in the post “The ketogenic diet – what it is and what its principles are“. To see sample meals from the Keto Menu, check out the article “Keto diet – meals in 10 minutes“.

Less Sugar

In the Less Sugar Menu, products rich in sugar are eliminated from the meals, including jams, chocolate, honey, etc. To not completely eliminate the taste of sweet, there are desserts based on fruits and sugar substitutes such as erythritol or xylitol. Reducing sugar will positively affect the quality of your health, including your glycemia, skin condition, and energy level throughout the day. And if you’re looking for sugar-free sweets ideas, click here.


By limiting or eliminating meat from your diet, you naturally increase the amount of fruits and vegetables you consume. As a result, your diet is richer in the nutrients they contain. A vegetarian diet has a positive effect on lowering cholesterol and can also contribute to weight loss (through the natural reduction in consumption of fatty meats and processed products).

High Protein

The High Protein Menu is dedicated to very physically active people. Consuming protein-rich meals in combination with a proper training plan contributes to muscle mass building, figure sculpting, and body strengthening.

Fitatu® Support Group

Become part of the Fitatu® community and join the Fitatu® Support Group on Facebook. There you will find inspiring transformations and recipes for other users’ favorite dishes. 

Fitatu® App

Download the app from the Play Store or Apple Store and start counting calories and macros with us! Want access to the Menu feature? Go for Fitatu® Premium! For blog readers, we have prepared a special discount code: MENUFITATUM. Go to and grab a 20% discount on annual plans. Psst… the code combines with other promotions. 😉

What else will you find in Fitatu® Premium?

  • over 2000 recipes plus dozens of new ones every month,
  • additional intermittent fasting plans,
  • ability to create shopping lists,
  • product and recipe filtering,
  • more synchronization with fitness apps,
  • access to the app in the web version,
  • no ads!

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