How to choose the perfect avocado?

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How to choose the perfect avocado?

How to choose the perfect avocado fitatu

When choosing the perfect avocado, you should be guided by both its color and springiness. Find out how to recognize that an avocado is ripe, and why it is such a special fruit.

Avocado is one of the most popular fruits, actually berries, in the world. It is native to Mexico and Central America, with Mexico being the largest producer, accounting for about 30% of global demand. Ripe avocado fruits are soft and easily damaged, so very often in the store, you can find them in unripe form, which is harder and more durable in transit.

Avocado – the nutritional value and properties

Nutritional value

Avocado is a unique fruit, as it has a high-fat content (13-24%), and a small number of carbohydrates (0.8-4.8%). It is a source of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as antioxidants (vit. C, A, E, K), B vitamins, folic acid, potassium, and dietary fiber. Due to its high-fat content, it provides about 170 kcal per 100 g of product.

Health-promoting properties

Thanks to their wealth of nutrients, avocados have many health-promoting properties.  Monounsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants are beneficial for the prevention of cardiovascular disease by, among other things, lowering cholesterol levels. Folic acid is particularly important in the diet of women who are pregnant, as well as that planning pregnancy, as its deficiency can lead to the development of defects in the fetal nervous system, as well as premature birth. The antioxidants found in avocados provide natural protection against free radicals, which, when oxidized, can lead to the development of cancer. B vitamins are essential for the proper functioning of the body’s nervous, immune, and endocrine systems. In turn, dietary fiber regulates intestinal peristalsis, facilitates the formation and excretion of stool, has a beneficial effect on maintaining normal intestinal microflora, and affects the feeling of satiety.

How to choose the perfect avocado? 

Evaluate the color

The ripe fruit, i.e. our ideal avocado, turns dark green and even slightly purple, but the color can vary depending on the variety.

Check the elasticity

Checking the elasticity of the flesh is the easiest and most reliable test for choosing the right ideal avocado at the store. To do this, press the skin lightly with your finger and see how firm it is. If the avocado is very hard and the peel does not bend under pressure, it means that the fruit is unripe. When the skin bends slightly, but returns to its previous shape, then the avocado is ripe and ideal for eating and will look aesthetically pleasing, for example, cut into cubes or strips, if you so desire. On the other hand, when the avocado is very soft and the skin remains pitted when pressed, the avocado is already overripe and may have black spots. Such avocados will look less attractive on the table and will be less tasty.

Determine the color with the stalk

You can perform the last test by already having avocados at home. If the flesh is green when you tear off the stalk (the end at the top of the fruit), the fruit is unripe, while if it is yellowish, it is perfect for eating. A brown color means it is overripe.

PROTIP: When buying avocados, think carefully about when you will consume them. When you need them on the same day, it’s best to choose a slightly soft and ripe fruit. However, if you know you’ll be consuming them only in a few days, you can choose a hard, unripe piece with peace of mind. Just place it on a sunny windowsill at home (or even on a radiator in winter), and after a day or two, it will be perfect for consumption. Remember that it is very difficult to get ripe avocado fruit in stores – take this into account when planning your purchases.

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What to eat avocados with?

Avocados are best eaten raw by using them in salads, smoothies or to make sandwich spreads. Due to its rather sterile flavor, it is advisable to compose it with expressive spices such as sour fruit, lemon, garlic, or hot bell pepper.

Recipe for a dish with avocado

Below is a sample recipe for a dish with the perfect avocado. You can find this and more recipes in the Recipe Catalog in the Fitatu® app (some are only available in the Fitatu® Premium version).

Salad with avocado and mozzarella fitatu

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