How many calories in Yorkshire's Original Yors Summer Garden Herbs Salad Dressing with Rapeseed Oil 250ml (Yorkshire's Original)

How many calories in 1× teaspoon

5 g
25 kcal

How many calories in 2× teaspoon

10 g
50 kcal

How many calories in 1× tablespoon

10 g
50 kcal

How many calories in 2× tablespoon

20 g
100 kcal
25 kcal

Nutritional values in Yorkshire's Original Yors Summer Garden Herbs Salad Dressing with Rapeseed Oil 250ml per 100 g:

Energy value 498
Proteins 0.60
Animal n.d.
Plant n.d.
Fats 45.00
Saturated 2.70
Monounsaturated 28.00
Polyunsaturated 15.00
Carbohydrates 22.00
Net carbs 21.10
Sugars 16.00
Cholesterol 0
Fibre 0.90

How many vitamins in Yorkshire's Original Yors Summer Garden Herbs Salad Dressing with Rapeseed Oil 250ml:

Vitamin A
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B5
Vitamin B6
Folic acid
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin PP
Vitamin K
The information available free of charge in the Fitatu application
Google Play button App Store

How many minerals in Yorkshire's Original Yors Summer Garden Herbs Salad Dressing with Rapeseed Oil 250ml:

Carbohydrate Unit (CU)
Fat-Protein Units (FPU)
The information available free of charge in the Fitatu application
Google Play button App Store
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