How many calories in Asda Blue Stilton is now available, and retails in a 50g pack. (Asda)

How many calories in 1× package

50 g
205 kcal

How many calories in 0.5× package

25 g
103 kcal

How many calories in 1× for slice of bread

25 g
103 kcal

How many calories in 2× for slice of bread

50 g
205 kcal
205 kcal

Nutritional values in Asda Blue Stilton is now available, and retails in a 50g pack. per 100 g:

Energy value 410
Proteins 24.00
Animal n.d.
Plant n.d.
Fats 35.00
Saturated 23.00
Monounsaturated n.d.
Polyunsaturated n.d.
Carbohydrates 0.50
Net carbs 0.50
Sugars 0.50
Cholesterol n.d.
Fibre 0

How many vitamins in Asda Blue Stilton is now available, and retails in a 50g pack.:

Vitamin A
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B5
Vitamin B6
Folic acid
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin PP
Vitamin K
The information available free of charge in the Fitatu application
Google Play button App Store

How many minerals in Asda Blue Stilton is now available, and retails in a 50g pack.:

Carbohydrate Unit (CU)
Fat-Protein Units (FPU)
The information available free of charge in the Fitatu application
Google Play button App Store
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