Why make a shopping list?

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Why make a shopping list?

Making a shopping list doesn’t have to be time-consuming, plus it can bring you many benefits for both your budget and your diet. 

It’s probably happened to you more than once to spend a fortune on shopping, then come home and look in the fridge to find that you have nothing to prepare dinner with. We know a very simple way to avoid this and that is to prepare a shopping list. Find out how much you can benefit from making this small change in your life and how to get started. Plus, how to use the shopping list app to make creating a shopping list even more fun

The benefits of making a shopping list

1. Reduced costs 

Planning your meals and making a shopping list means that when you go shopping you don’t just pick up whatever you like. The value of your shopping basket can be reduced even by several dozen PLN, which can result in big savings on a monthly basis.

2. Less waste

The consequence of not having a shopping list and buying spontaneously is the accumulation of products which we forget about and which, sooner or later, start to spoil. It’s not so bad if it’s pasta with a longer expiry date. It has a chance of being used again. What about fresh cheese or fish that doesn’t have an expiry date?

3. Controlling expenses

By preparing a shopping list, you are not only able to reduce current costs, but also to control and analyse the value of your basket in the long term. This awareness will allow you to be more in control of your household budget and make any changes to it.

4. Saving time

At a time when we all suffer from perpetual shortage of time, this is something of a premium. Wouldn’t it be better to spend half an hour longer reading a book or spending more time with a loved one, instead of running to the shop with your tongue hanging out because “I’m missing something for dinner”? Better organisation = more time for pleasure. Do it for yourself!

5. Cutting down on excess calorie intake

As we have already mentioned, the lack of a shopping list, but also shopping with an empty stomach, encourages spontaneous buying, and it is not fruit or vegetables that fall into our hands, but less healthy snacks rich in sugar and saturated fats. A shopping list and shopping when you’re full will eliminate these items, and you may stop snacking so much and even lose weight as a result.

How do I go about preparing a shopping list?

In order to prepare a shopping list, it is best to first prepare a meal plan for a given period of time. You can approach this in two ways. 

If you like to decide spontaneously what you want to eat on a given day, you can take a general approach and simply make a list once a week of the dishes you want to prepare during the coming week and then decide from day to day what you will cook. This is a nice solution, but since you don’t have precisely planned meals, you don’t know the exact quantities of ingredients, and therefore it may happen that you misjudge the amount of products when shopping and simply run out of something, which will make you run to the shop again. This is where the second solution comes to the rescue, which is actually an extension of the first one. 

Instead of generally planning what you are going to eat, you can approach it very specifically and plan your meals by balancing them precisely. This will be facilitated by an app that is a calorie calculator, such as Fitatu. 

Fitatu will allow you to plan your meals and then quickly generate a shopping list. You will have nothing left to do but quickly tick off the products you have already taken from the shelf.

An added bonus is that you can set the amount of ingredients needed to cook a dish on the menu without interfering with your own calorie count. So you can plan lunches for the whole family or for two. You can easily create a shared shopping list for two people (or the whole family) with the Fitatu app.

Fitatu App

Download the application from the Play Store or Apple Store and start counting your macros with us!

Do you prefer the web version? No problem. A basic web version is prepared for our subscribers. And now you can use the LIST-2 discount code by going to https://www.fitatu.com/app/giftcode and get 29% off your monthly Fitatu Premium.

What else can you find in Fitatu Premium?

  • over 1000 recipes plus several new ones every month
  • additional plans for intermittent fasting
  • the ability to create shopping lists
  • a choice of six ready-made menus full of meals to choose
  • filtering products and recipes
  • more synchronization with fit apps
  • access to the application in the web version
  • no ads!

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