Weight loss story: how to lose 40 kg and fight for a new life

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Weight loss story: how to lose 40 kg and fight for a new life

Weight loss story fitatu

Spectacular weight loss results always raise a lot of controversy and questions. Read the story of Michal, who has already lost 40 kg with the help of the Fitatu app and continues to fight for his health and dream figure.

Due to the growing number of obesity sufferers, more and more people are asking themselves “Will I be able to lose X kg?”. Most of them are afraid to answer it even to themselves. The new year is a time for setting new goals and, for many, the beginning of the fight for health. Learn the story of Michael, who has already lost 40 kg during his journey. Was it difficult? How did he accomplish this? What advice does he have for those who are just beginning the fight for themselves? We invite you to read an interview with Michal.

What was your weight loss story like? 

Based on my weight loss story, one could write quite a volume. I struggled with excessive kilograms from a very young age. The number and types of diets I tried are also a long list. In late 2017-2018, I worked out my first success! Although it took a lot of daily work and self-denial, losing almost 30 kg was quite a surprise for me. Then I installed the Fitatu app on my phone for the first time. The years 2020-2021 were pandemic. Unfortunately, the time spent in home isolation caused me to gain 15 kilograms on the scale. In July 2022, I decided that this could not continue. Since then Fitatu has accompanied me in my daily diet, controlling the calories consumed, but also the nutrients. Today, at the beginning of 2023 and at the age of 28, I boast the lowest weight in more than 10 years, and a quarter of a man would still fit into my prom suit. The last six months have been a 25 kg reduction. 

What tools did you use during your journey? 

As I mentioned, the main tool I used in planning my meals was the Fitatu app. I also found the 16:8 diet fasting (16 hours of fasting and 8 hours of eating window) extremely helpful. In addition, I significantly reduced carbohydrates by following a low-carb diet. 

Another very important element became training at the gym. Initially, I arranged my workouts on my own, but it was when I worked with a personal trainer (from here I salute my trainer @oliviermode), that I was able to take physical activity to a whole different level. Training together helped me achieve the goals I had previously set. Thanks to them, I learned utterly new exercises and learned the correct technique for performing them. After some time, sports became my daily routine.

How did you use Fitatu and what benefits did it bring you? 

I started my diet, or basically my new style of eating, by determining my caloric needs, setting a caloric deficit, and simply entering all the foods I consumed into Fitatu. In addition, I found that the app has the ability to enter a nutrition window and control the timing of fasting. Also, the database of products itself is wide enough that there is no need to enter them manually. Certainly, a huge advantage is the ability to control the intake of individual nutrients, which for a person who trains is extremely helpful. In addition, by adding our own recipes or using those already available in the app, we can save time by choosing dishes that we cooked not so long ago (just copy them from another day). Another plus of Fitatu is that we can choose the unit of measurement, we don’t have to weigh each product every time. I have used the help of a nutritionist several times before, but cooking from an imposed schedule turned out not to be for me. Thanks to Fitatu, I eat what I feel like, but in a properly balanced way. This solution has worked best for me so far.

What was the most difficult for you during the weight loss?

During the first weeks of weight loss, the hardest part was writing down everything I ate. It seems that eating a handful of nuts or snacking on something small won’t dramatically affect our results after all, but that’s not true. Paradoxically, this turned out to be the key to success. The first meetings with friends were also very difficult when I had to explain what changes were currently taking place in my life. Now everyone is used to it, they support my actions and motivate me to achieve more results. The first visits to restaurants were not easy either, but after a while of thinking I always managed to choose something suitable. Of course, there were crises and worse moments, but then I recalled in my mind the reasons why I was doing it, and this helped me not to give up.

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Why do you think it worked this time, and what changed from previous attempts? 

I think the most important thing is a change in thinking. Dieting is associated with numerous sacrifices, drastic changes in our daily lives, and the torment of weighing everything we eat. This is exactly how I too approached it for many years. Now I know that the changes we make must not come as a shock to the body. It is important to implement them step by step and look for what suits us, rather than focusing on what worked for a friend. At the moment, eating healthy and being physically active is my new lifestyle. I eat in a less chaotic way, and most importantly, I’m becoming more aware of my body’s needs. After six months, I no longer have to put everything into Fitatu so rigorously. I have developed eating habits that mean I already know what I can eat and in what quantities. Physical activity has started to become my passion and is often a way to improve my mood on worse days. Also importantly, I regularly check my blood results and have seen significant improvement.

What would you say to someone who is just beginning their journey with weight loss? 

Losing weight and changing your lifestyle are not that scary or difficult at all. Regardless of how much weight you need to lose, set yourself a realistic goal at the beginning, e.g. I will lose 3 kg in a month. When you reach it, add another one, e.g. 5 kg. This way the road will not scare you, and at some point, the process will become fun. In addition, more pounds dropped, will trigger even more motivation to take action. Remember not to focus only on improving your figure and lower body weight, but simply enjoy the road to improving your quality of life and health. Adapt your diet and physical activity to your own needs, rather than trying to fit into something that doesn’t suit you. Don’t delay change for later, just start here and now.

Fitatu® support group 

If you’re looking for support in achieving your nutrition goals, join the Fitatu community on Facebook. The “ENG: Lose weight without hunger or sacrifices using the Fitatu app 📲🥑”  group is waiting for you! 

Fitatu® app

Download the app from the Play Store or Apple Store and start using the Fitatu® Premium version! Till the end of January, you can take part in the “New Year’s Resolutions 2023 with Fitatu” action available in the app and get Fitatu® Premium for £14.99/year as a reward.

What can you find in Fitatu® Premium?

  • over 2000 recipes plus several new ones every month
  • additional plans for intermittent fasting
  • the ability to create shopping lists
  • a choice of six ready-made menus full of meals to choose
  • filtering products and recipes
  • more synchronization with fit apps
  • access to your Meal Plan in the web version
  • no ads!

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