How many calories in Lidl Apple, Mango, Spinach & Avocado Cold Pressed Juice is now available, and retails in a 500ml pack. (Lidl)

How many calories in 1× package

500 ml
298 kcal

How many calories in 1× portion

200 ml
119 kcal

How many calories in 0.5× cup

110 ml
65 kcal

How many calories in 0.5× pint

284 ml
169 kcal
298 kcal

Nutritional values in Lidl Apple, Mango, Spinach & Avocado Cold Pressed Juice is now available, and retails in a 500ml pack. per 100 g:

Energy value 60
Proteins 0.50
Animal n.d.
Plant n.d.
Fats 1.30
Saturated 0.10
Monounsaturated n.d.
Polyunsaturated n.d.
Carbohydrates 11.10
Net carbs 10.50
Sugars 10.20
Cholesterol n.d.
Fibre 0.60

How many vitamins in Lidl Apple, Mango, Spinach & Avocado Cold Pressed Juice is now available, and retails in a 500ml pack.:

Vitamin A
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B5
Vitamin B6
Folic acid
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin PP
Vitamin K
The information available free of charge in the Fitatu application
Google Play button App Store

How many minerals in Lidl Apple, Mango, Spinach & Avocado Cold Pressed Juice is now available, and retails in a 500ml pack.:

Carbohydrate Unit (CU)
Fat-Protein Units (FPU)
The information available free of charge in the Fitatu application
Google Play button App Store
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