How many calories in Ísey Skyr Lemon Cheesecake Skyr is now available, and retails in a 170g pack. (Ísey Skyr)
How many calories in 1× package
170 g
104 kcal
How many calories in 0.5× package
85 g
52 kcal
How many calories in 1× tablespoon
25 g
15 kcal
How many calories in 2× tablespoon
50 g
31 kcal
104 kcal
Nutritional values in Ísey Skyr Lemon Cheesecake Skyr is now available, and retails in a 170g pack. per 100 g:
Energy value61
Net carbs4.90
How many vitamins in Ísey Skyr Lemon Cheesecake Skyr is now available, and retails in a 170g pack.:
Do you like Ísey Skyr Lemon Cheesecake Skyr is now available, and retails in a 170g pack.? Check out other :
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