How many calories in Divine The Dessert Bar Cherry & Almond Bakewell Dark Chocolate is now available, and retails in a 180g pack. (Divine The Dessert Bar)

How many calories in 1× package

180 g
916 kcal

How many calories in 0.5× package

90 g
458 kcal

How many calories in 1× cube

8 g
41 kcal

How many calories in 2× cube

16 g
81 kcal
916 kcal

Nutritional values in Divine The Dessert Bar Cherry & Almond Bakewell Dark Chocolate is now available, and retails in a 180g pack. per 100 g:

Energy value 509
Proteins 8.10
Animal n.d.
Plant n.d.
Fats 30.90
Saturated 16.20
Monounsaturated n.d.
Polyunsaturated n.d.
Carbohydrates 45.10
Net carbs 36.40
Sugars 29.40
Cholesterol n.d.
Fibre 8.70

How many vitamins in Divine The Dessert Bar Cherry & Almond Bakewell Dark Chocolate is now available, and retails in a 180g pack.:

Vitamin A
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B5
Vitamin B6
Folic acid
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin PP
Vitamin K
The information available free of charge in the Fitatu application
Google Play button App Store

How many minerals in Divine The Dessert Bar Cherry & Almond Bakewell Dark Chocolate is now available, and retails in a 180g pack.:

Carbohydrate Unit (CU)
Fat-Protein Units (FPU)
The information available free of charge in the Fitatu application
Google Play button App Store
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