Cookies policy


  1. Data Controller: Fitatu Sp. z o.o. with the seat at ul. Stanisława Wyspiańskiego 10/5, Poznań 60-749, entered into the Business Register of the National Court Register kept by the District Court in Poznań for Poznań-Nowe Miasto i Wilda, VIII Department for Business Matters of the National Court Register, under KRS number 0000635344, NIP 7792444235, REGON 364839278,
  2. Cookies: IT data, small text files, recorded by websites you visit, stored on the Devices through which you use the Controller’s Website. The information contained in cookies is necessary for the website to function properly; these files are encrypted, which prevents the files from being made available to unauthorised persons. The information collected in cookies can be read by the Controller and its contractors (for technical reasons).
  3. Device: the electronic device through which you access the Controller’s website.
  4. User: any person visiting the website
  5. Website: including subpages.


  1. The Controller uses cookies via the website.
  2. Cookies are only used within the scope of the User’s consent.
  3. Information collected from cookies is used for the purposes of proper optimisation of the website, as well as for statistical, functional and advertising purposes.
  4. Cookies record a website user’s activity by recognising the Device, so that the website is displayed in a way optimised to the individual user’s preferences.
  5. The solutions used on the website are safe for the Devices of Users using the Controller’s website. No dangerous or malicious software can enter the Users’ Devices.
  6. The Controller uses two types of cookies:
    1. Session cookies: files that are stored on the User’s Device and remain there until the User leaves the website or the browser is closed. The stored information is then permanently deleted from the Device’s memory. The mechanism of session cookies does not allow the collection of any personal data or any confidential information from the User Device,
    2. Permanent cookies: the files which are stored on the User’s Device and remain there until deletion. Files of this type remain on the User’s Device for the time specified in the file parameters or until they are manually deleted by the User. Ending the session of the browser or switching off the Device does not cause these files to be deleted from the Device.
  7. With regard to the source of the Cookies data, the Controller uses:
    1. Own cookies: files generated by the website and placed on it by the Controller (example: essential cookies),
    2. Third-party cookies: the information originating from external servers, e.g. advertising servers, navigation providers (maps or search engines). These types of cookies allow the effectiveness of advertising activities to be assessed and related activities to be designed according to the user’s preferences (for example: analytical cookies).
  8. Cookies are classified according to the function they perform on the Website:
    1. Technical/non-essential cookies: files necessary to ensure the correct functioning of the website, including ensuring that the website is displayed correctly depending on the device the user is using or the settings of that device; adapting content on the website which is technically relevant to the functioning of the website (e.g. the language of the website); remembering whether the user has consented to the display of certain content,
    2. Analytical cookies: files used to measure the effectiveness of our marketing activities without identifying users’ personal data and to improve the functioning of our website, including for the purpose of analysing statistics on website traffic and verifying the source of traffic (so-called redirections); detecting abuse of website traffic (e.g. artificial internet traffic - bots); measuring the effectiveness of actions carried out on behalf of the Controller, e.g. in the Google advertising network, on external websites,
    3. Functional cookies: files used to remember users’ settings on websites (background colour, language, shopping cart). In this way, after visiting a website for the first time and adjusting it to their preferences, users do not have to change the same settings again when visiting the site. This type of file is usually a type of permanent cookie,
    4. Marketing/advertising cookies: cookies which track the User’s interests and preferences in order to tailor targeted advertising. These cookies are installed on the User’s device. Personalised advertisements may be displayed on other browser pages through the use of remarketing. Not consenting to these cookies does not entail any negative effects on the use of the Website,
  9. The user can delete cookies from the browser at any time.


  1. The User has the possibility of limiting or disabling access to Cookies on his/her Device. If this option is used, the use of the Controller’s website will be possible, except for functions that by their nature require Cookies.
  2. The User may, autonomously and at any time, change their cookie settings, specifying the conditions for storing and accessing cookies on the User’s Device.
  3. The User may change the settings referred to above by means of the settings of his/her web browser or by means of the configuration of the service. These settings can be changed, in particular, in such a way as to block the automatic handling of cookies in the settings of the web browser or inform on their placement on the Device each time. Detailed information on the possibility and methods of using cookies is available in the settings of your software (web browser). Below are links to information on how to delete cookies in several of the most popular web browsers:
    1. Google Chrome
    2. Mozilla Firefox
    3. Microsoft Edge
  4. The User can delete cookies at any time through the available functions in the web browser he/she is using.
  5. Restricting the use of cookies may affect some of the functionalities available on the Controller’s website.


Tool Manner of operation Source of the tool Cookies related to the tool
Google Analytics A tool for collecting analytical data on user movements. _ga, _gat, _gid
Google Adsense A tool for improving advertising. _gcl_au
Facebook Pixel An analytics tool for measuring Facebook ad conversions by analysing actions taken by the user on the site. c_user, datr, dpr, fr, sb, usida, wd, x-referer, xs,_fbp
Google Search engine AEC, APISID, NID, SID, SIDCC, CONSENT
Google (Android OS) Operating system for mobile devices


AID, Android ID, GAID
Apple (IOS OS) Operating system for mobile devices


TikTok A tool for collecting analytical data on user behaviour. cookie-consent, msToken,ttwid
Google Fit Application for monitoring physical activity and health _fitft, _fitlt, _fitst
Apple HealthKit Platform for integrating health data from applications and devices _healthkit_exchange_token
Facebook Social media platform _fbdt, datr, fr, lu, sb, fb
Fitbit API Application programming interface (API) for accessing data from Fitbit devices _fitbit_session, __fitbit_sa_id
Google Cloud Platform A cloud platform offering a wide range of services, including servers, databases and analytical tools _ga, _gid, _gat, _GCLAU, _GCLID
Garmin API Application programming interface (API) for accessing data from Garmin devices _gat, _ga, _gid, GarminCookies
Huawei Health Application for monitoring physical activity and health on Huawei devices AAID, UAID, AID, OAID, DUAID
Polar Flow Platforma do synchronizacji danych z urządzeń Polar Platform for synchronizing data from Polar devices _polar_session, mdc_sid
Samsung Health Application for monitoring physical activity and health on Samsung devices _sam_session, _sam_app_id, __adm
Strava Social platform for athletes _strava.sid, _strava_session


Name Purpose Cookie origin Cookie type and duration
_ga Cookie responsible for Google Analytics functioning. Analytics Expiry: 2 years
_gat Used to monitor number of Google Analytics server requests when using Google Tag Manager

Analytics Expiry: 1 minuta
_gid ID used to identify users for 24 hours after last activity

Analytics Expiry : 24 godziny
_gcl_au Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services Marketing Expiry: 3 months
c_user Used in conjunction with the xs cookie to authenticate your identity to Facebook. Contents: User ID Marketing Expiry: 90 days
datr Used to prevent creation of fake / spammy accounts. Datr cookie is associated with a browser, not individual people. Marketing Expiry: 2 years
dpr Cookie for storing device pixel ratio. Marketing Expiry: 7 days
fr Providing ads or retargeting. Marketing Expiry: 3 months
sb Storing browser details. Marketing Expiry: 2 years
usida Collects a combination of the user’s browser and unique identifier, used to tailor advertising to users. Marketing Expiry: session
wd This cookie stores the browser window dimensions and is used by Facebook to optimise the rendering of the page. Functional Expiry: session
x-referer Cookie used to capture referring sites. Marketing Expiry: session
xs Used in conjunction with the c_user cookie to authenticate your identity to Facebook. Contents: Session ID, creation time, authentication value, secure session state, caching group ID Marketing Expiry: 3 months
AEC AEC cookies ensure that requests within a browsing session are made by the user, and not by other sites. These cookies prevent malicious sites from acting on behalf of a user without that user’s knowledge. Functional Expiry: 3 months
APISID Profiles the interests of website visitors to serve relevant and personalised ads through retargeting. Marketing Expiry: 2 years
CONSENT Google cookie consent tracker

Functional Expiry: 20 lat
NID This cookies is used to collect website statistics and track conversion rates and Google ad personalisation Marketing Expiry: 1 year
SID Download certain Google Tools and save certain preferences, for example the number of search results per page or activation of the SafeSearch Filter. Adjusts the ads that appear in Google Search. Marketing Expiry: 2 years
SIDCC Download certain Google Tools and save certain preferences, for example the number of search results per page or activation of the SafeSearch Filter. Adjusts the ads that appear in Google Search. Marketing Expiry: 2 lata
cookie-consent Cookie for storing cookie consent for current domain. Functional
msToken Cookie stores data such as: visits count, average time spent on page and which pages were loaded in order to display targeted ads. Marketing Expiry: 10 days
ttwid Used by the social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded services. Marketing Expiry: 1 year
_ttp Tracking cookie used by TikTok to identify a visitor Marketing, Expiry: 389 days
_uetsid This cookie is used by Bing to determine what ads should be shown that may be relevant to the end user perusing the site. Marketing Czas wykorzystania: 30 minut
_uetvid This is a cookie utilised by Microsoft Bing Ads and is a tracking cookie. It allows us to engage with a user that has previously visited our website. Marketing Expiry: 16 days
cc_cookie Cookie stores and manages current state of cookie consent for current domain. Functional Expiry: 152 days
user Cookie stores username (email) of currently logged user if there is any. Functional Expiry: session
MUID Identifies unique web browsers visiting Microsoft sites. These cookies are used for advertising, site analytics, and other operational purposes.

Marketing Expiry: 1 year
_HPVN Analysis service that connects data from the Bing advertising network with actions performed on the website.

Marketing Expiry: 1 year
WLS Helps to authenticate you when you sign in with your Microsoft account.

Functional Expiry: 5 years
OIDR This cookie is used by the Bing advertising network for advertising tracking purposes.

Marketing Expiry: 3 months
OIDI This cookie is used by the Bing advertising network for advertising tracking purposes.

Marketing Expiry: 3 months
OID This cookie is used by the Bing advertising network for advertising tracking purposes.

Marketing Expiry: 3 months


Expiry: 1 month

Expiry: 1 year
_RwBf This cookie helps us to track the effectiveness of advertising campaigns on the Bing advertising network.

Marketing Expiry: 1 year

_EDGE_S Cookie for tracking used by Bing.

Marketing Expiry: session